Crystal Glossary

Many people from different cultures, age groups, and life experiences choose healing stones to heal the mind, body, and soul. We believe that crystals promote the flow of good energy and help rid your body and mind of negative energy for physical and emotional benefits.

Please read through our extensive crystal glossary to discover the different types of healing stones and their purposes. Contact us with any other questions you may have!


AGATEAgate cleanses and stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity. Agate enhances mental function, improving concentration, perception and analytical abilities. It soothes and calms, healing inner anger or tension and creates a sense of security and safety.

AMAZONITEAmazonite is a stone of peace, truth, harmony, and communication. Its energies can be felt to the touch and gently soothes the nerves. Amazonite will calm the energy and fill the air with positive energies in any environment it is placed. It’s been called the “peacemaker stone” due to its communicative abilities. Our heart and throat become linked, thus allowing the truest thoughts to surface and be spoken with ease.

AMETHYSTAmethyst is a multidimensional stone that offers a range of energetic uses. Its protective bubble helps one maintain mental clarity and physical energy. Amethyst is also said to aid in breaking addictions.Amethyst allows our consciousness to connect with energies at a much higher frequency than we would normally each day. Most of these energies are multidimensional and can assist one in raising their own personal intuitive levels. 

AMETRINE (BOLIVIANITE) - This stone contains powerful calming and balancing energies. This will allow one to fully ground themselves. Thoughts and ideas which may have seemed so foreign, will now begin to fill your mental space. Physical energies you may have not known existed will begin to spew out and fuel your inner willpower.

ANGELITE - Angelite is a very high vibrational stone that activates and aligns our throat, third eye, and crown chakras. This stone can help attune oneself to a higher frequency, helping to connect both their guardian angels and spirit guides. Using this stone as a meditation tool will help transmit and vocalize (into the physical plane) the knowledge in which you absorb through the third eye and crown connection. Angelite is a very powerful communication stone when it comes to connecting to other realms and frequencies.

APOPHYLLITE - Apophyllite is a very high vibrational stone that helps one attune their energies to those of higher dimensions and realms. This stone is here to connect one with their guardian angels and spirits who are guiding them on this journey of life. Our third eye and crown chakras become unlocked, with a powerful connection formed between the two. This channel will help one understand the images and energies they see and feel when meditating with this stone. Apophyllite is a perfect tool for anyone looking to expand their consciousness and connect to a foreign realm not like our own. This stone will fill one's entire room with high vibrational energy that will allow one to easily transcend into the abyss.

AQUAMARINE - Aquamarine is a very special stone that helps in opening a clear channel between your heart and throat chakras. This blue variety of Beryl allows one to constantly speak from the heart and to the highest truths. This beryl variety is a perfect stone to help aid you in the solving of conflicts, arguments and disagreements. Aquamarine can also support you in cooling those fiery emotions that desire to overtake us.

ARAGONITEAragonite is one of the most powerful beginner stones a newcomer can get their hands on. Its potent energies help activate and align our entire chakra column to promote inner-balance, mental clarity, and transformation. No matter the color/variety, you can expect Aragonite to boast powerful yet ambiguous energy to overtake one's aura. This push can promote confidence, self-healing, and personal betterment.

ASTROPHYLLITE - One is able to take their spiritual journey to completely new heights through deep meditation and trust with this stone. Your entire chakra column readjusts and realigns itself when one engages their energies with that of Astrophyllite. Astrophyllite’s energies cannot connect to closed minds and only offers growth to those fully accepting of its energies.Achieve Inner balance easily and a deeper focus will provide clarity of our membrane. One must understand their internal vibration will never be the same as you begin to open your mental capacity and accept higher forms of knowledge! 

AURA QUARTZ - Aura Quartz crystals provide a calm, relaxing effect on the emotional body and are soothing and healing to the aura. They are exceptional for releasing negativity and stress, old wounds, and long-held doubts about one's self-worth. These crystals are uplifting to the spirit and promote natural joy, hope and optimism.

AZURITE - Azurite is a stone that activates and unlocks our third eye and crown chakras, thereby linking the two and is known as one of the premier stones when it comes to accessing our own psychic abilities. It can assist you with lucid dreaming, astral projection, intuitive meditation, insight, and inner vision. If you are one that has many dreams and often wonders what they mean, then this is the perfect stone for you! Azurite can help enhance those very dreams and decode their imagery. Azurite will raise one's mental awareness, intellect, and wisdom that can help you reach new goals and desires. This stone also aids in purging the negativity within the mind.

BANDED ONYX - Banded Onyx is seen as a stone of  happiness, good fortune and strength. It is thought to bring strength, balance and self control. It is perfect for people under extreme mental or emotional stress. It brings balance to mind or body as well as a sense of security.

BARITE - A stone of inner vision, astral travel, and communication with our guides. Barite pushes us to come in contact with and align to our higher self, which passively increases one's wisdom and mental awareness. Meditating with this stone will push one to operate on a higher frequency and can cause increased lucid dreaming and “deja vu” moments. These moments are all occurring to push you towards the correct life path that you truly desire. The universe, and your higher self, is assisting you along the physical journey of your life.

BLACK AGATE - Black Agate, like all black stones, is a grounding and protective crystal. It gives a calming peace that helps those during a period of bereavement. Black Agate gives inner strength to move on and is also very helpful in keeping the peace in stressful households.

BLACK LACE AGATE Black Lace Agate is calming yet provides protection, strength, alertness, agility, stamina, and guidance in times of growth to spurt the beginning of a new chapter in life. It keeps the body grounded by connecting to the energies of the Earth alleviating feelings of worry and unneeded stress helping release old stagnant energies. It brings emotional stability and rational thinking to understand oneself and others from a place of compassion. 

BLACK MOONSTONE - Provides protective vibrations to keep our emotional body safe and stable so that we are the only influencers of it. Black Moonstone is here to remind you to escape that normal path of emotional distress and push one to look past it. The calming energies of all types of Moonstone will help one maintain a clear head that's able to make rational decisions in times of difficulty.

BLACK OPAL - Black Opal offers complete protection of one's emotional body and aura. This crystal provides one with an etheric shield against negative energy as well as the potential toxicity of another person’s emotions. Black Opal will help one stay calm and relaxed in uncomfortable situations, while also acting as a daily reminder that you're not alone on this journey. Simply carrying or wearing this crystal daily will help one become less anxious and have the ability to break out of their shell. Black Opal can help push us to take on new exciting adventures and act on spontaneous ideas. 

BLACK RUTILE IN QUARTZ - Black Rutilated Quartz a powerful stone for depression or any kind of life trauma. Helps you accept challenges as it opens new ways to live. Inspires you to leave or remove anything that no longer serves you. This sacred stone dissolves negative energies. The stone that never lets you miss a chance! As it offers a clear state of mind in which you will be able to analyze properly. Leads you to victory as it supports the owner to make vital decisions. A power stone for those who need to make business deals. This is the perfect stone for financial situations.

BLACK TOURMALINE - This stone acts as an “etheric vacuum cleaner”, clearing all negativity and cleansing your auric field. The purification that Black Tourmaline gives to users is great for anyone struggling with anxiety, excessive anger, and intrusive thoughts. This stone transmutes the negative energy surrounding you and purifying it, so it can be used within. It also blocks harmful electromagnetic waves like the ones caused by cell phones, laptops, televisions, and all other small electronics.

BLOODSTONE - Bloodstone activates our inner strength, willpower, and courage that has been masked by fear. This crystal is a purifier of our negative energies and aids to convert these thoughts and feelings into positive ones. Bloodstone helps break the mold of our endless monotonous cycles by helping us aspirate to who we truly want to be. This crystal is a reminder that we are the only judge of our own thoughts and actions. The direction you choose to go in this life will only be decided by you.

BLUE APATITE - Blue Apatite is a stone of manifestation attuned to the future. Apatite will stimulate the intellect and bring ideas from the mind down into the earth realm through realizations. This stone allows for a deeper dive and reflection into one’s self, seeking self-insight and inner clarity. This stone is also good for lucid dreaming and is also said to aid in suppressing the appetite. 

BLUE AVENTURINE - Blue Aventurine is a psychic activator and helps one open up their third eye (pineal gland). This doesn’t just happen overnight, however, as one must work with this stone repeatedly in order to fully tap into its inter-dimensional potential. As one’s spirit learns to ascend, the path to your higher being begins to be laid out before you. The journey must begin with you, but Blue Aventurine is certainly here to assist.

BLUE CALCITE - Blue Calcite very powerful when it comes to soothing and calming the emotional body. This stone is known to calm emotions and offers mental and etheric protection.  When carrying or wearing Blue Calcite, it acts as a sponge and absorbs all energy coming to you, filtering out the negative vibrations and transmutes them back out into high positive energy. Blue Calcite can be especially effective for anyone who suffers from depression and/or anxiety.

BLUE CHALCEDONY - A more rare variety of Chalcedony, Blue Chalcedony is a calmer of the emotional body. It helps one communicate their truest thoughts and ideas. This encourages deeper discussions with the ones you love, which will not only strengthen your relationships, but also help “awaken” their emotional bodies as well. 

BLUE KYANITE - Blue Kyanite helps one access their mind while expanding their unique psychic abilities. Like every other Kyanite, Blue Kyanite shares the passive ability of not needing to be cleansed. This stone does not absorb any negative energies. Alongside dream decoding, Blue Kyanite is also very useful in practicing astral projection.

BLUE LACE AGATE - Blue Lace Agate is all about communication skills and how to make your voice heard. Our throat chakra becomes activated and our voice immediately becomes stronger when working with this stone. Blue Lace Agate provides an inner strength that can renew one's confidence and bring about clarity within. This new-found confident voice is here to serve you in speaking the truth in a productive, non harmful manner. 

BLUE MOONSTONE - This stone is a very sensual, feminine, and nourishing stone that has the ability to heal what pains you and bring you back to wellness and wholeness. It’s a stone that carries deep healing and sacred feminine energies. It has high energy rays of blue colors and is always shimmering in powerful white energy, making it a very protective stone.

BLUE ONYX - This strengthening stone will provide you with positivity and confidence when you are carrying out a task or lesson by getting rid of any distractions and boosting your motivation. The stone is believed to work against black magic and that it will deflect any negative energies directed to you. The Blue Onyx stone will help you in achieving emotional balance and self-control. It will help you get rid of unhealthy attachments that may be preventing you from attaining your highest potential.

BLUE QUARTZ - Blue Quartz is a calming Throat Chakra stone that enhances creativity, communication, and self-expression. It also helps in accessing communication in the spiritual and angelic realms. It is a powerful stone to protect from negativity and its balancing properties help dispel fear. This stone offers hope, happiness, and peace as it lifts the soul up from depression.

BLUE SANDSTONEBlue Sandstone is man-made gemstone that was created from quartz sand. It is a stone of confidence and ambition, encouraging motivation and drive. It has a positive attitude; it is an uplifting stone. Sandstone is said to promote vitality. It also has the same attributes as copper helping soothe conditions of the joints and reducing stomach complaints stemming from anxiety.

BLUE TIGER EYETiger Eye is a protective stone that traditionally warded off curses and ill wishes. It is still employed by many as a protector against the “evil eye,” and the Blue variety of Tiger Eye shares these properties along with the more commonly found gold/brown variety.  Blue Tiger Eye is a useful aid to memory and mental agility as it helps to integrate the right and left sides of the brain. It also differentiates between wishful thinking about what you think you want and what you actually need. Blue Tiger Eye has a healing effect on the nerves and calms the over-anxious or phobic.

BORNITE (PEACOCK ORE) - Bornite brings a practical breath of fresh energy into our life. It helps us to stay grounded and to think clearly especially when dealing with complicated issues around morality. Bornite encourages us to integrate old beliefs with new information and to be guided by both our head and our heart. It helps us to find a steady moral center and from that place to make decisions that are logical and just. Bornite asks us to gently set aside anything that is no longer useful or true and to spiritually grow up. Bornite can also act as a midwife stone to ease a rebirth of the spirit.

BOTSWANA AGATE - Botswana Agate is the highest vibrational agate we know of, offering up intense energy that resonates directly with one's third eye and crown chakra. One will begin to feel more in touch with their higher self simply from carrying this stone on them. Botswana Agate is the key to opening your mind up to an abundance of knowledge.

BRONZITE - Bronzite is known as the “stone of courtesy” due to its energies promoting love, equality, and protection to anyone within its environment. This stone helps you get focused on what’s most important to you, and not everyone around you. Bronzite instills the courage to stand up for yourself and take assertive action to get things done. Bronzite assists in removing that inner hesitation that is constantly holding us back from what we truly want to do in this world.

BRUCITEBrucite harmonizes with our solar plexus chakra and helps one access their personal will. Your ultimate desires and ambitions become the main focus. Often our dreams becoming an everyday reality get continuously suppressed by societal needs and external forces.Brucite assists in releasing the grip that those outside influences have on us, while strengthening our inner being.

BUMBLEBEE JASPER - Bumblebee Jasper is here to help keep you “buzzing” throughout your day, even when negative energies constantly come your way. This stone helps you maintain a positive attitude through the daily stresses of life, while encouraging you to continue your own spiritual evolution. So often can the societal stress you have placed upon yourself override and suppress your soul’s growth and true potential. Bumblebee Jasper will prevent that mindset from infecting you or your aura, and instead will push you closer than ever to finding your life’s purposes.

CALCITECalcite increases and amplifies energy. This makes it an excellent stone for distance healing, as well as other types of healing. One of the energies it amplifies is learning abilities, and thus it is a perfect stone for students. Calcite is said to be good for easing back pains. It also cleanses and improves the functions of the kidneys, pancreas, and spleen. It balances the assimilation of calcium within the body, strengthening the skeleton and joints.

CALLIGRAPHY STONE - Also known as Miriam Stone, Calligraphy Stone  assists one in loosening their physical body and helps create a stronger connection to Earth. As one connects, nurturing and rejuvenating energy will soon fill your auric field. This helps in the overall protection of one’s physical body, as your aura can negate and deflect negative vibrations when strong enough. 

CANDLE QUARTZ - Also referred to as Pineapple Quartz, Candle Quartz can provide you potentially massive life force energy that is capable of removing bad habits, altering personal priorities, and in some cases completely overhauling your life path. 

CARIBBEAN CALCITE - Caribbean Blue Calcite is a mind activator and helps one channel their own unique psychic abilities that aids one in elevating their consciousness. One may notice the overall sense of calm and serenity that may overtake your physical body. This allows one to more easily slip out of their physical body and ascend to higher realms, metaphysically speaking. 

CARNELIAN - Among our lower chakra system is a form of energy that defines us as who we are. This energy is housed in our groin area and is responsible for conjuring life itself nd referred to as our “sexual energy”, however, its power goes far beyond the act itself. Sometimes withholding our sexual energy and transposing it for our own good is more beneficial than releasing it for your own personal gratification. Harness this energy and channel it into things most important to you rather than just people.

CELESTITE - Celestite is a very high vibrational stone that's energy can be felt with just a touch. This mineral works towards activating your third eye and crown chakra. Your unique psychic abilities will become activated, helping to see and understand messages at a much higher energetic level. Some of these experiences include extrasensory perception, astral projection, lucid dreaming, or deja vu.

CHALCEDONYChalcedony is a nurturing stone that promotes brotherhood and good will. It absorbs negative energy. It brings the mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. Chalcedony instills feelings of benevolence and generosity. It alleviates hostility and transforms melancholy into joy.

CHAROITE - Charoite is a multidimensional stone that assists one in connecting with spirit guides. Our third eye, crown, and etheric chakra system is truly stretched to its limits when working with this stone (placed directly on the forehead). The energies released from within Charoite instantly activate the pineal gland and through deep meditation, one may soon receive symbolic imagery depicting aspects within our present life.

CHERRY BLOSSOM AGATE (GREEN SALURA) - Sakura Agate helps one bridge the gap between emotions and reality by activating and connecting our heart and root chakras together. This stone has a gentle, and nourishing energy resembling a field of flowers. The circles and dots represent seeds and the floral plumes represent the blossom, reminding us that we start out as seeds, then blossom and grow.

CHERRY CREEK JASPER - Also known as Red Creek Jasper, Cherry Creek Jasper is believed by many to bring balance and relaxation, and like all jaspers, is a stone of protection and grounding. The metaphysical properties of this stone include relaxation, happiness and tranquility. It is also believed to promote compassion, protection and self-discipline.

CHRYSOCOLLA - Chrysocolla is a stone of empowerment, communication, and calming. This stone will help in reducing that panic feeling when overwhelmed, and will allow you to have a clear head and a calm mind while making difficult decisions. Chrysocolla will help communicate those thoughts while raising your wisdom to achieve these ideas in reality.

CITRINE - Citrine is a master of one's creativity center, which houses some of our strongest manifestation energies. This area has been known to be the key to not only unlocking our personal will, but to also unlocking our truest desires. When one is truly looking for a change or a spark of imagination, Citrine’s energy knows no bounds. 

CORDIERITE (IOLITE) - Cordierite strengthens the connection between the third eye and the heart, helping to heal old wounds that are weighing on one's chest. It is a stone that challenges users by bringing you to areas that you’ve once feared, and pushing you forward attempting to dispel that said fear. Cordierite will help to awaken the psychic abilities we all possess, showing us our true past life experiences.

CRACKLE QUARTZCrackle quartz retains the healing qualities of quartz as well as the chakra properties that have been introduced by the enhanced color. This chakra governs creative and emotional energy. It is known as an excellent amulet to avoid evil energy. It is also useful when you want to regain positive emotions. It'll make your thoughts clearer and make positive ideas easily.

CRAZY LACE AGATE - Crazy Lace Agate is a stone of transformation and chakra realignment. The banding of this Agate is an overlooked energetic addition to this stone. Banding is a sign of free flow in nature. Life was able to form, shape, and mold exactly how it wanted to in our early ages. The ability to shape our own life without external restrictions is something that we often lack ourselves.

DALMATIAN JASPER - Dalmatian Jasper helps strengthen your connection with Mother Earth, while also channeling one's personal will. This stone can help one pursue their goals and provides the tools needed along the way. Dalmatian Jasper raises one’s confidence level and brings it to the forefront, showing you that you are fully in control of your life path. You will almost immediately sense an overwhelming obsession for accomplishing all your dreams.

DRAGON STONEDragon Stone is a stone that activates and unlocks the heart. The red rays of Piemontite pulsating off a chunk of Epidote enhances the rate at which the heart heals, and aids in a reconnection between the mind, heart, and soul. This important reconnection allows you to speak and feel as one being, and not just scattered feelings and disconnected emotions. Dragon Stone is one of the best stones for anyone who is strictly looking to work on themselves so that they may be better for the ones closest to them. 

DREAM AMETHYSTAs well as sharing the same energies and vibrations of traditional Amethyst, Dream Amethyst is far stronger and more powerful when working with our higher chakras. This variety of Amethyst specifically focuses on the third eye and crown chakras, activating and linking the two together.

DRUZY AGATE - Agate enhances mental function, improves concentration, enhances perception and analytical abilities. It is a soothing and calming gemstone that heals inner anger, anxiety and helps in the strengthening of relationships. Agate instills security and safety. The healing properties of Druzy Crystals are great for promoting natural healing on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. It's also known to boost the immune and reproductive systems. This crystal can be useful in treating infections, and it can also heal both emotional and mental issues.

DUMORTIERITE - Dumortierite is a very high vibrational stone that unlocks your third eye chakra, as well as activating unique psychic abilities. These abilities can range from simple actions such as remembering one’s dreams better, to lucid dreaming, astral projection, connection with higher realms, and synchronicities. Dumortierite’s powers can raise one’s intuitive side. One major indication that Dumortierite’s powers have imbued you is the increase in your own personal memory, as well as your mind being able to retain and understand new information coming at you daily.

ELITE SHUNGITE - Elite (Noble) Shungite shares the same energies and properties of classic Shungite, but is more potent. One can feel the purifying effects immediately upon touch, which will drastically alter your attitude and energy levels.Shungite naturally has electrical conducting properties that help inhibit electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic fields, which contain trace amounts of radiation, are produced by all common household electronics. Placing Shungite at the base of the electronic and on the back of your phone will help drastically reduce the radial output without interfering with the operations.

EMERALD - Emerald is a stone that represents free-flowing energy and directly empowers our heart chakra. This stone harnesses our true emotional body and is capable of projecting this representation into the physical realm. Our heart space is capable of containing only so much emotion that we must self-release the unnecessary attachments. However good or bad an experience might have been, if you are unable to release it, then that means your emotions are holding you back.

EPIDOTE - Epidote is a strong enhancing stone and is one users should be cautious with when carrying with them. Epidote will enhance anything, good or bad. If you are having a bad day and carrying Epidote on you, it's recommended you remove that piece and set it aside until you possess more positivity. If you are having a fantastic day filled with love, positivity, and happiness, Epidote is one stone that can really bring your mood higher than you may have thought was even possible. 

FIRE QUARTZ (HEMATOID QUARTZ) - Also known as Hematoid Quartz, Fire Quartz is good for self esteem, removes negativity, and balances body, mind and spirit. The Hematite infused into the Quartz balances the mind and brings clarity to emotions. It helps you to understand why you do something so you can have a conscious response rather than an unconscious reaction. Fire Quartz aids with focus & concentration, grounding, calms anxieties, panic & hysterics.

FLOWER AGATEFlower Agate bridges the gap between emotions and reality by activating and connecting our heart and root chakras together. Flower Agate’s energies resonate with your core and can help better expose this damaging or even traumatic pain that you may still carry. By releasing the constraints one has unknowingly placed upon themselves, they are able to reignite the ever-lasting love that we all have the ability to release. This pure, undeniably affectionate energy is a direct result of working with Flower Agate.

FLUORITE - Fluorite is a stone known for clarity and mental enhancement. Its ability to assist the clearing of negative energy and aiding in decision-making has made this a favorable stone to work with. This powerful stone is known as a “psychic vacuum cleaner”, clearing the negativity in your auric field and aiding in removing “cloudy thoughts”. Fluorite will allow the mind to clear and give the user mental capacity to empty their mind for which they can think freely. It is highly recommended for people who have trouble navigating life and will assist in helping you make the decisions you truly want too.

GARDEN QUARTZGarden Quartz is a gorgeous stone of included quartz (Lodolite). The stone stimulates the creative mind, sharpens your awareness of your Destiny & life path, and encourages your inner dreamer. Garden Quartz attracts positive energy and filters negativity away from you through its natural inclusions.

GARNET - Garnet is a grounding stone that carries incredible manifestation abilities. It is of great assistance in bringing creative thoughts into the physical world. Garnet’s vibrations boost one’s physical endurance and life force, increasing blood flow and linking one strongly with their body. This allows one to easily see how their dreams can realistically manifest in the physical plane and provides the endurance to bring them into the third dimension.

GOLD SANDSTONESandstone is man-made gemstone that was created from quartz sand. Also referred to as the Stone of Ambition, it is said that Goldstone will assist in attaining one's goals. In keeping one's emotions stable and calm, this energy generator revitalizes one's personal energy field, building confidence, courage, a positive attitude and promotes vitality.

GOLDEN HEALERIt is a high vibration crystal, a master healer, a multi-purpose healing crystal that empowers dimensional healing. It accesses the Golden Ray to raise vibrations, intent, and dissolves and releases blockages. This crystal is known to enhance joy, by balancing yin and yang energies while aligning the chakras.

GOLDEN SHEEN OBSIDIAN - Golden Sheen Obsidian sharpens our instincts and reveals hidden talents. It is also known to attract wealth and prosperity on all levels. Obsidian is truth-enhancing. A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension.

GRAPE AGATE - Grape Agate is a powerful intuitive stone that activates and links the crown and third eye chakras together. This stone helps one activate their psychic abilities and assists in the understanding of dreams. If you are someone who constantly dreams, we recommend placing this stone at your bedside each night to allow the energies of this stone to work while you sleep. One's dreams will become more controllable and the images within them will become more clear. Grape Agate promotes mental clarity and vividness, and does just that when trying to link the dream realm and real world together.

GREEN AVENTURINE - Green Aventurine provides strength, confidence, courage, and happiness. It renews one’s optimism for life and pushes us to take action to acquire what we want in this world. This stone urges one to get out of their comfort zone and take on new opportunities. Allow this stone to take you on an adventure and help you grow as an individual. Green Aventurine is here to keep your emotional body calm when trying things that may be uncomfortable at first.

GREEN CALCITE - This crystal is a very powerful heart stone that is here to help calm and rejuvenate our most vital organ. It's the perfect stone to help relieve unneeded daily stress and calm our pent up energies that may have been brewing all day. Working with this stone helps strengthen the connection to our heart and provides insight as to where we need to focus our emotions. So often do we lead with our head and not our heart, that we fail to recognize our head is full of distractions and rapidly changing emotions.

GREEN MOONSTONE (GARNIERITE) - Green moonstone, also known as Garnierite, is such a unique stone that contains the true essence of life. Such innocent and joyful vibrations begin to emulate upon touch, leaving the user in a blissful trance. The energies of this crystal synchronize with your auric field and begin to fill your etheric body with love, light, and compassion. Your heart chakra becomes fully aligned and relaxed, providing you a chance to look deeply within. What you may find can be traumatic and scary to say the least, but these experiences are a part of us and must be relinquished.

GREEN ONYX - Green Onyx carries with it the primary properties of all forms of Onyx which are known for strength, willpower, and discipline. The green varieties stimulate these traits directly from the heart. It's able to soothe one's heart, bringing one to a calm emotional state. In bringing one to this state, it allows for a still mind so that one may call upon their inner endurance and persistence, making both self-mastery and dreadful tasks feel like a breeze. Green Onyx is also known to repel negativity from the user.

GREEN OPAL - Green Opal is a stone that's all about the heart. This crystal is here to provide nourishing and rejuvenating energies to anyone struggling with emotional heartache. It's a perfect stone for anyone who may have gone through recent trauma or grief, the dissolution of a relationship, or a hurtful disagreement. Green Opal helps us find the strength that we used to have, while encouraging us to use it to push forward and rebuild.

GREEN SANDSTONESandstone is man-made gemstone that was created from quartz sand. It inspires deep emotional healing, balancing the energy between the heart and emotional body. Green Goldstone energy supports during times of transition and is believed to bring prosperity, increased inner vision, and strengthen communication with the Divine.

GREEN TOURMALINEGreen Tourmaline is a stone that warms the heart and helps one rejuvenate vital life force energy. Its vibrations help one tap into their emotional body to understand the emotions they feel. So often is our brain full of different stressors that it can lead one to blame how they feel on unrelated variables. Green Tourmaline helps one look past these minor annoyances to get to the root of your emotional pain. One will be able to identify the trauma they’ve been carrying and understand what it is exactly that's holding them back from moving forward. 

HEMATITE - Hematite is one of the most powerful grounding stones in the mineral kingdom, intended to root your body and mind back to Earth. This stone helps refocus your thoughts and actions into those that matter to you most while guiding you on the right path. It's a stone of attraction, much like that of a magnet. Hematite is constantly pulling down excess energy from your environment to help you use it towards your best interests.

HEMIMORPHITE - Hemimorphite activates and aligns the upper four chakras and is a stone known to heal the emotional body, enhance one's communication abilities, and assist in cleansing and balancing one's aura. This stone brings positive vibrations full of joy, happiness, and uplifting energy. It's the perfect stone to work with or carry when you're having a day where emotions may be overwhelming you.

HERKIMER DIAMOND - Herkimer Diamond is a very high vibrational stone that has become commonly referred to as “The Stone of Attunement”. Its energies work to put you at ease while in uncomfortable environments and will guide you in the right direction in tough situations. They also have capabilities of increasing clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities due to their high frequency. Some users put the quartz in their pillowcase while they sleep claiming long-lasting effects in the dream world. High vibrational currents run through the diamond, allowing it to aid in physical healing. Simply placing a Herkimer Quartz on a sore body part will alleviate some of the pain within minutes.

HONEY CALCITE - This mineral resonates with the Root, Solar Plexus, and Third-Eye chakras creating a powerful trifecta of personal will and creation. The golden warmth of this crystal is felt upon first touch, providing the user with a link to Mother Earth's energies. This strong connection is great for accomplishing high-effort tasks and projects. When our personal will is rooted, we are more inclined to push ourselves to the finish line. The hardest part of doing something is getting started, and Honey Calcite encourages us to get up and get going.

HOWLITE - Howlite is a stone of emotional healing that contains vibrations directly resonating with one’s root and crown chakras. These connections happening at the same time are extremely rare, thus exposing the power Howlite harnesses within. One will initially notice a sense of calm energy overcoming them, easing that unnecessary “weight” off your shoulders and allowing you to stand tall. Not only do your confidence levels begin to rise, but also your inner strength begins to awaken once more.

HYPERSTHENE - Hypersthene is a potent life talisman that promotes self-love & satisfaction, independence, strength, and endurance. One’s entire chakra column opens up and forces one to prioritize what's most valuable in their life. Instead of your mental state being concerned about what's next, Hypersthene redirects your concentration internally. This allows you to reflect, observe, and understand what it is your body (both physical and mental) truly needs. For most people, their narrow mental capacity simply does not allow them to understand themselves. The mind is usually too distracted to see an issue or is being medicated in the form of a vice (drugs, alcohol, etc.). This cycle can continue for years or in some cases lifetimes.

INDIGO GABBRO - Also known as Mystic Merlinite. It awakens the dormant parts of the mind, bringing them together as a whole and activating the mind’s full potential. Although it has a wide range of properties, one of its strongest abilities is to bring a full understanding of both our light and shadow sides. It brings one to their inner core where the light and darkness are fully visible and one can see the current state of both sides. The purpose of this is to bring the parts of the self that are exiled or shrouded in darkness into the light of the heart, so that one may achieve harmony with both sides.

JADE - Jade is one of the very few stones that will transmute the negative energies surrounding you and release it into positive vibrations of love and joy that will benefit everyone in your environment. It brings the mind and body into harmony and promotes stabilization of one’s personality. Jade is a very calming stone that should be carried by anyone who has trouble dealing with situations or simply feels overwhelmed daily. Jade is an excellent stone for young ones as it is used to protect children from harm and aids in maintaining purity and serenity.

JASPER - Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”.  It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang. Jasper clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation.  It encourages honesty with oneself.  Provides courage to assertively tackle problems.  Aids quick-thinking and promotes organizational abilities.  Jasper stimulates the imagination and transforms ideas into action.  Prolongs sexual pleasure.  It supports during prolonged illness and re-energises the body.

K2 - K-2 opens and unlocks our third eye and crown chakra. This stone helps strengthen the third eye to enhance psychic abilities on all levels (lucid dreaming, astral projection, telepathy) and assist in the opening of the crown chakra. When our crown becomes open, endless amounts of higher knowledge soon begin to spiral down within us. The third eye connection to the crown is vital at this point, and aids in “seeing” what this knowledge truly means. This information is here to serve you on the path to your higher self, and K-2 is the key to accessing this knowledge.

KAMBABA JASPER - Kambaba Jasper is a very energizing stone that activates our root and heart chakras. It helps provide much needed healing to the heart and calming of negative emotions such as guilt, trauma, grief, jealousy, anger, and sadness. This crystal helps one achieve emotional balance throughout the day, and helps keep one “cool” during times of distress. Kambaba Jasper acts as a teacher and life coach, helping you get through some of the toughest emotional experiences you’ve had to deal with. This stone pushes us to release the weight pushing down on our chest, right back into the atmosphere.

KIWI JASPER - Kiwi Jasper is a very nurturing stone that supports us during times of stress. Its energy helps us feel more relaxed and tranquil. Kiwi Jasper’s unique composition has an alter ego that is also very uplifting. It helps to elevate our mood and lift our spirits as it attunes us to the Earth’s vibration creating a sense of inner harmony and balance. Kiwi Jasper is extremely helpful for those suffering from an addictive or compulsive behavior by asserting the emotional strength and energy necessary to face the reality of their problems and begin the healing process towards recovery.

KUNZITE - Kunzite opens the heart and makes it act as a vacuum, allowing for all different types of love to get sucked in. Love for humanity, nature, animals, and Earth consume the user's heart unlocking Divine Love. Kunzite grants kindness, gentleness, and self-worth, unleashing positivity from within, outwards. Kunzite’s powers also help alleviate stress and negative emotions that have the tendency to stay with us daily.

LABRADORITE - Labradorite harnesses the true potential of our own transformative power. If you experience anxiety or  constantly doubting yourself, this is the stone to look to. If you are experiencing an anxiety attack, try holding or rubbing a piece of Labradorite, reminding yourself that you have the power to talk yourself down from any situation. It’s hard for us to realize sometimes how powerful our minds truly are. Just as we can work ourselves up from situations, we can always calm ourselves down.

LAPIS LAZULI - Lapis Lazuli is a stone that emboldens the communicative abilities between the mind, throat, and heart. One will shortly begin to find themselves radiating the truth of their emotional body. Lapis Lazuli’s energies promote heightened intellect, inner visions, and an expanded mental capacity.

LARIMAR - Larimar is a perfect tool for anyone who finds themselves struggling with controlling emotions and communicating how we truly feel within. This stone activates and unlocks our throat chakra and forces one to open themselves up to the loved ones around us and discuss the issues one may be dealing with. This mineral will help keep your mind in a calm state and allow for true emotions from the heart to surface. Larimar is a very good stone for anyone who has experienced trauma in their life, but can not seem to move forward from it. Trauma refuses to ever leave us unless we decide it's time to move forward.

LARVIKITE - Larvikite is a stone of inner transformation that helps one better adapt to change, as well as accept and understand any benefits that may come with it. Change is constant, with the world around us forever transitioning. Larvikite helps one access their inner strength and enables their personal willpower to go on “auto-pilot”. This will assist one through any difficult process causing constant distress. One will not need to worry about the cost of any negativity that these new surroundings may bring with them, as Larvikite fully protects one's spiritual and physical body, including your auric field.

LAVA STONE - Ground and strengthen your connection with Mother Earth with Lava Stone. This stone gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change. It is also a calming stone and is very useful in dissipating anger. Lava Stone is also a wonderful aromatherapy essential oil diffuser.  Simply add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and enjoy the added therapeutic benefits it brings.

LAVENDER ROSE QUARTZ - Lavender Quartz is a stone of love, healing and joy. It is actually a type of Rose Quartz with a high level of titanium or manganese within it (hence the color, which is a sort of lilac pink.) It is said to alleviate lack of self worth and low self esteem, and helps to assist with appreciating the things around you.

LEMON CALCITE - The energies of this stone immediately resonate in our gut and slowly begin to expand outwards in all directions, specifically our physical and emotional bodies. Our inner core will begin to activate with the arrival of this new found energy. One will then become more in touch with themselves and their true spirit. Slowly and unconsciously, Lemon Calcite sets us on a path of self examination, specifically diving to the depths of our motivation (or lack thereof), focus, confidence, and determination levels. This subconscious action allows one to become more aware of what it is that needs to be worked on and addressed.

LEOPARD SKIN JASPER - Leopard Skin Jasper is considered the supreme nurturer. It will support and guide you during your times of stress and anxiety. It will bring you peace and serenity, and it will reassure you that everything will be alright.

LEPIDOLITE - Lepidolite has softening energies that can affect your emotional body and keep your mental state operating in a calm manner. It personifies the idea of self growth so you can open up to the world around you. As troubling as it is to find happiness within, Lepidolite is a reminder that we must start somewhere, even if it's external. It is commonly referred to as the "jumpstart stone" as it wakes us up with a jolt of life-force energy.

LILAC JASPER - Lilac Jasper is a nurturing crown chakra stone that provides peace of mind as well as protection. It is known as a stress relieving stone that stimulates positivity and divine synchronicity in all areas of life. The stone is known to increase overall feelings of wholeness and serenity. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang. Jasper itself clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation.

MAHOGANY OBSIDIAN - Mahogany Obsidian activates our lower three chakras and stimulates growth, sexuality, strength, creativity, passion, and protection. This powerful grounding stone works to bring thoughts and ideas into action for the sole purpose of personal growth. This crystal works to release us from our own inner limitations that restrict development of our life path. Mahogany Obsidian works to eliminate that hesitation within that is constantly weighing judgement on decisions that greatly affect your life purpose.

MALACHITE - Malachite is one of the most important minerals for protecting against negative energies. It fills our auric fields with positivity, while simultaneously pushing all the negativity outwards. Malachite is known to create a “cloak of invisibility” around the user. This will remove you from certain confrontations and make you less susceptible to negative energies. Lastly, it helps people who may lack self-confidence and self-responsibility.

MANGANO CALCITE - This special calcite variety promotes inner peace, compassion, pure love, joy, and self-healing vibrations. This is a true healer of the heart, one is able to push forward through any lingering trauma or pain that may have gone unresolved. The energies of Mangano Calcite allow one to find resolution while extinguishing the negative filled emotions within. One can then reach a sense of harmony and learn to achieve mental peace when utilizing the rejuvenating effects of this heavenly stone.

MIRIAM STONE - Also known as Calligraphy Stone, Miriam Stone assists one in “loosening” their physical body and helps create a stronger connection to Earth. As one “plugs in”, nurturing and rejuvenation energy will soon fill your auric field. This helps in the overall protection of one’s physical body, as your aura can negate and deflect negative vibrations when strong enough. We chose to nickname Miriam Jasper the “Recharging Stone”, due to its ability to replace one’s “batteries” with simplicity and ease.

MONEY AGATE - Money Agate is fairly newer to the market and is actually a form of Indonesian Bloodstone. It  helps to manifest abundance, especially in business and financial ventures. Creates a feeling of enrichment and empowerment, which can help you reach your goals and make money through hard work and well-thought out decisions. 

MOOKAITE - Mookaite has energies that enrich one’s trust and love for Mother Earth and all of her beauty. One will find themselves more aware of nature and life around them, as well as developing a connection with the animals we see each day, both wild and domestic. Mookaite grounds your mind, heart, and soul down to a planetary level and helps one truly live in the moment. To do this, one must relinquish any and all ideas that do not deal with the “right now”. These future emotions that we’re subconsciously manifesting take their toll on our bodies day in and day out. Fear, anxiety, loneliness, and depression are all common symptoms of failing to live in the present moment.

MOONSTONE - Moonstone is a stone of self-discovery at the highest of levels. Infuse your body with the essence of Mother Earth and become more in touch with your inner spirit than you ever have before. Allow Moonstone’s energy to truly engage your intuitive spirit and pave the way for growth, opportunity, and action. Release yourself from the daily pressures you place on yourself and take the time you truly deserve.

MOSS AGATE - Moss Agate brings us closer to Mother Earth, with energies capable of helping us ground and pursue our most benevolent ideas. This crystal offers up shells of protection around your aura and truly lets you be you. It encourages self expression and a rebuilding of divine connection to nature that most of our childhoods were consumed with. Moss Agate provides one with a new desire to find comfort in smaller, more human things; as opposed to unnatural desires society presents to us.

MOSS JADE - Also known as Dendritic Jade, this stone injects the heart with love and balance, sharing the same properties as regular Jade. Jade is one of the very few stones that will transmute the negative energies surrounding you and release it into positive vibrations of love and joy that will benefit everyone in your environment. It brings the mind and body into harmony and promotes stabilization of one’s personality. Jade is a very calming stone that should be carried by anyone who has trouble dealing with situations or simply feels overwhelmed daily. Jade is an excellent stone for young ones as it is used to protect children from harm and aids in maintaining purity and serenity.

OBSIDIAN - Black Obsidian is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura. It is a strong psychic protection stone, with powerful metaphysical properties that will help to shield you against negativity. The energy of these stones may stimulate the gift of prophecy and may boost precognition.

OCEAN JASPER - Ocean Jasper helps one release any weight or strains one may carry on their heart, and urges you to vocalize and move forward from these emotional issues. Ocean Jasper is a perfect stone to help one heal and find resolution with their emotions, relationships, and most importantly, themselves. Just like the water that helped create this magical stone, one must be willing to “go with the flow” when accepting this stone's energy.

ONYX - Onyx is a stone that offers up powerful vibrations of protection, strength, focus, and willpower. This stone is here to continuously push you forward in your life. By activating your root, solar plexus, and third eye chakras, one is able to fully ground themselves to Earth. Not only will Onyx give you a jolt of energy to get up and start pursuing your dreams, but also protect you on your new journey. Simply carrying this stone or wearing Onyx daily will provide a shield around ones aura, refusing to allow negative energy to attach itself to you.

OPALITE - Though a man made stone, Opalite improves communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. It removes energy blockages of the chakras and meridians. Emotionally, Opalite helps by assisting during transitions of all kinds. It engenders persistence and gives us strength in verbalizing our hidden feelings. 

OPTICAL CALCITE - Also known as Clear Calcite and Iceland Spar. This extremely clear form Calcite aids one to acknowledge and release self-limiting beliefs that are preventing one from moving forward. By clearing away stagnant energy blockages, Optical Calcite can bring higher energies into the chakras, encouraging spiritual development. Physically, Optical Calcite can be used to relieve migraines; helps with eye problems. Used with other crystals, Optical Calcite will often double the healing effects.

ORANGE CALCITE - Orange Calcite is the perfect stone to use when trying to unlock and unleash one's creative or sexual energies. It’s one of the very few stones that help circulate these energies throughout the body, assisting in removing certain blockages when needed. When our creative and sexual energies are flowing freely, we become more comfortable with ourselves and the current action at hand. This usually leads to an increase in confidence and self esteem. We always recommend Orange Calcite for anyone who feels down on themselves.

ORCA AGATE - It is deeply connected to communication and inner truth and can help one connect to their inner psyche and acknowledge hidden self-truths. Orca Agate can heal any deep internal emotional wound, thus lending to its reputation as the Forgiveness Stone. In this deeply honest process of self-communication and forgiveness, this stone frees its user from self-doubt and self-loathing, and promotes a gentle inner peace.

PALM ROOT - Fossilized Palm Root is a stone of tender and gentle transformation. It carries the timeless wisdom and knowledge of the evolving Earth into our present moment. This knowledge reveals to us the sacred nature that is inherent in all life, including ourselves. Fossilized Palm Root shows us the way to release and heal past life issues and current life challenges, confusion and fear. Gently transforming old energies and behaviors and re-grounding us into a new foundation that is stable, strong, solid and tranquil.

PEACH MOONSTONE - Peach Moonstone shares the same divine feminine energies as other Moonstone varieties, but offers an extra special connection between your heart and personal will (solar plexus). One will also continue to share the same protective qualities of Moonstone as you work to explore your creative and loving energies (and how you might be able to improve them). Peach Moonstone is a more inward-loving mineral and helps reignite your passion for the things that make you happy in this world. As one’s mind is continuously cluttered with nonsense and emotion-induced thinking, our true character gets left behind. Over time, we lose this ever strong connection we have with our inner spirits, as well as the interest that drives these feelings.

PEACOCK ORE (BORNITE) - Bornite brings a practical breath of fresh energy into our life. It helps us to stay grounded and to think clearly especially when dealing with complicated issues around morality. Bornite encourages us to integrate old beliefs with new information and to be guided by both our head and our heart. It helps us to find a steady moral center and from that place to make decisions that are logical and just. Bornite asks us to gently set aside anything that is no longer useful or true and to spiritually grow up. Bornite can also act as a midwife stone to ease a rebirth of the spirit.

PERIDOT - Peridot has widely been recognized for its ability to stimulate change between one’s heart and personal will. As our heart releases emotion each day, our sacral chakra is the point of the body that processes it all. Also known as our “second brain”, our gut helps one decipher unstable emotions that may be coming from your most vital organ. As well as encompassing healing rays for one’s physical and auric fields, Peridot also helps one raise their internal vibration. The attribute that reigns supreme when working with Peridot is one’s own confidence levels. As they raise and begin to set a new standard of living, so does your belief in yourself. 

PETRIFIED WOOD - With Petrified Wood comes ancient knowledge and immense ancestral history. Through fossilization, an abundance of ancient earthen energy has been contained within; allowing for the proper practitioner to channel and direct this elestial energy. The vibrations that flow from this wooden amulet provide the essential nutrients for growth and rejuvenation while also unlocking a pathway to our past lives. Through past-life recall, we are able to learn from previous lessons and look towards old wounds to heal. Some scars carry over through physical lives as their wounds may appear eternal. Only through the relieving and release of this past trauma will you be able to free yourself emotionally and move forward.

PHOENIX STONE - Phoenix Stone is a powerful mineral of transformation and healing in all areas. Melds the heart and the throat chakras so that one may truly speak from the heart. Provides peace, joy and acceptance. Brings harmony, grounding and centering in difficult times. Opens the mind to new possibilities.

PHOSPHOSIDERITE - It is known to raise your vibrations to help in your emotional and spiritual healing, as well as with your spiritual awakening. It will also bring your life balance and stability. It’s a good stone to help you access past life memories and open your third eye chakra. Phosphosiderite has a lovely and soothing vibration that will relieve your stress. When you use this stone in meditation, its healing properties will resonate with all your chakras.

PICASSO JASPER - Picasso Jasper assists in the transformation of relationships. It attracts like minded people who become loyal and trusted friends, as well as helping to renew old friendships that had been lost. It has strong grounding and calming qualities and helps to engender strength and self-discipline.

PICTURE JASPER - Picture Jasper is a powerful grounding stone that promotes connection to the earth. Some view this stone as a direct message from the Earth itself, instilling a sense of proportion, bringing comfort, alleviating fear and cultivating harmony.

PIETERSITE - Pietersite is a very powerful crystal that activates and unlocks our solar plexus and third eye chakras. When these two chakras are unified together, endless opportunities and outcomes can arise. Our personal will becomes activated and connected to our third eye, which becomes extremely open and clear. Pietersite reactives our personal will and helps us find a way to our dreams. Before you know it, opportunities are confronting you and new beginnings opening all around you.

PINEAPPLE QUARTZ (CANDLE QUARTZ) - While working with Candle Quartz you will experience massive life force energy that is capable of removing bad habits, altering personal priorities, and in some cases completely overhauling your life path. Think of Candle Quartz as an amulet of rebirth, that reverberates our own energy into motivation, confidence, and self-appreciation. These are all necessary traits that are needed when we give ourselves a “second chance” in life. Whether it be a new career path, relationship, or a long-distance move, it takes every ounce of our being to make these goals able to be accomplished.

PINK AMETHYST - Take in the feminine power of Pink Amethyst! This version of amethyst is a more recent discovery than the traditional that we all know and love, but carries many of the same properties. Pink Amethyst represents a softer, more feminine energy. It offers strong protection against the negative energies of the environment and the bad spirits around you. It can be especially beneficial for people enduring grief, sadness, and anxiety.

PINK CALCITE - Pink Calcite is a stone that can be used in order to boost self-confidence and self-esteem as well as enhance compassion toward others. Pink Calcite is also beneficial for those enduring any type of emotional trauma, including abuse, the death of someone close or a break-up.

PINK CHALCEDONY - Pink Chalcedony is an emotional interpreter that truly embodies the state your physical and emotional body is releasing. It is a power source of life force, love, joy, and regeneration just waiting to be injected into one’s bodily aura. We recommend anyone who is going through pain or suffering to begin meditating and carrying this stone.

PINK HALITE - Pink Halite is a stone that pushes one to love every ounce of themselves and who they truly are. It’s a strong stone that helps one release emotional strain weighing down on them daily. Such feelings as self guilt, low self-esteem, and overwhelming anxiety are perfect symptoms of someone who should carry a piece daily. Pink Halite urges one to open their heart and allow all emotional strain to surface so that it may be dealt with. Once one has accepted what has happened, only then can they move on from it. Pink Halite is also a stone of great clarity. This stone has been known to assist in providing uplifting energies to anyone who constantly suffers from a foggy mind or lack of mental energy. It helps one who is constantly debating or weighing certain decisions in their head, and pushes one in a direction.

PINK OPAL - Pink Opal is a very powerful crystal when it comes in contact with one’s heart. This stone activates and unlocks our heart chakra and imbues one’s aura with calming, tranquil vibrations. It's a perfect stone for someone to carry if they are struggling with any sadness, especially that of a broken heart. Pink Opal will serve your emotional body when it comes to a breakup, loss of a loved one, or even long distance relationships. This crystal pushes us to look within, and strengthen our connection to our inner self. By strengthening this connection, we become stronger as individuals. This teaches us that we don't have to lean on our loved ones as much, and can rely on just ourselves.

PINK TOURMALINE - Pink Tourmaline is a stone of love, compassion, emotional healing and self love. It helps calm one's emotions in times of distress, and is the perfect stone to carry if you suffer from daily bouts of anxiety. For people who have recently gone through a tragedy, heartbreak, loss of a loved one, or simply can't kick that daily depression, Pink Tourmaline is the stone for you. Try meditating with a piece over your heart and allow the crystals healing energies to directly absorb into your heart space. Allow yourself to face whatever it is weighing on you and look for resolution.

PIETERSITE - Pietersite is a very powerful crystal that activates and unlocks our solar plexus and third eye chakras. When these two chakras are unified together, endless opportunities and outcomes can arise. Our personal will becomes activated and connected to our third eye, which becomes extremely open and clear. Pietersite reactives our personal will and helps us find a way to our dreams. Before you know it, opportunities are confronting you and new beginnings opening all around you.

PISTACHIO CALCITE - Pistachio Calcite is one of the most soothing stones to the emotional body. It opens the inner avenue for conscious exploration of the unconscious realms, from which many of one’s most creative ideas spring. Calcite also enhances dream life, in regard both to the vividness and symbolic content of dreams and to one’s ability to recall and integrate them. Calcite’s stimulation of the throat chakra enables one to better express the insights one receives from inner explorations, in words, music or art.

PLUM BLOSSOM JASPER - Plum Blossom Jasper has a calming, nurturing energy that promotes feelings of stability, safety and security. Plum Blossom Jasper is a very grounding stone and a wonderful stress reliever. Its calming energy facilitates deep emotional healing by relieving emotional stress.

POLYCHROME JASPER - Polychrome Jasper is a stone that embodies one’s true self and helps you channel your energies to the ones closest to you. It facilitates and activates one's inner balance, while helping you conform to your current environment. Through this, one can reduce their day to day stress and embody the true elements around them. By doing this, one can not only learn much about themselves, but also where it is they want to go. This Jasper variety is here to serve you and part of that means helping you position your mindset to be ahead of your physical body.

PREHNITE & EPIDOTE - Prehnite is one of the very few stones in the mineral kingdom that links our heart directly to our solar plexus chakra. That means that one’s heart space is now directly attached to one’s own personal will. Instead of leading each day with our distracted and confused minds, Prehnite helps us lead with our hearts. Our heart knows what we truly want to do in this world, and how to find happiness. Prehnite is commonly found inter-grown with Epidote. Both of these stones offer up a high vibrational energy that channels directly to one’s heart space. These minerals will help jumpstart one’s heart and fill it with endless rays of love and compassion. Be aware that Epidote is a natural enhancer, good or bad.

PURPLE MICA - Often associated with Lepidolite, Purple Mica brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression. It dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good. It activates the throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect. It opens the crown chakra, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness.

PURPURITE - Purpurite is a powerful ascension tool that helps attune one to higher energies, as well as open up and connect the third eye and crown chakra. Working with this mineral will help raise one's intuition levels and consciousness, as well as assisting one in the understanding of this new found powerstone. Purpurite will help one adjust and become more comfortable with the energy being channeled through your mind and into your third eye.

PYRITE - Also known as “Fool’s Gold”, Pyrite is a powerful protection stone which shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and/or energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. It stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed. This mineral is also very powerful when it comes to manifestation. It is said that Pyrite has immense healing powers and is thought to possess pure magic within.

QUARTZ - Quartz can be used to clear and stimulate all chakra systems and energy points in the body. It is especially useful in working with the heart and the third eye. Quartz promotes general expansion of consciousness and will also allow one’s dreams to remain fresh in the mind upon waking up. Quartz is an extremely adaptable stone that can be programmed and used for just about any metaphysical purpose.

QUE SERA - Que Sera Crystals have a quite good energy to lift you if you are depressed and to calm you when you are angry or stressed. Using this crystal is one of the ways to help to relieve stress. It's vibration works a bit like plugging you into an extra power source. This crystal also aids protection from electromagnetic energy given off by computers, so it is an excellent stone to grid rooms where you are using electronic equipment.

RAINBOW AURA QUARTZ - Rainbow Aura Quartz amplifies and magnifies healing energy and clears and cleanses chakras. It helps to amplify both body energy and healing thoughts. It is used to enhance creativity. Helps to remove blockages and enhances psychic powers.

RAINBOW MOONSTONE - Rainbow Moonstone’s energies activate and align all our chakras to allow energy to flow freely. It's a very soothing stone with outputting vibrations full of calming and relaxing energy. This powerful crystal connects with one’s emotional body and current mental state. Rainbow Moonstone is a powerful ally in helping maintain mental clarity throughout the day and assists in shielding your aura from negative vibrations attempting to attach onto you. Rainbow Moonstone is a very effective transformational stone, and simply working with it for a short amount of time can produce opportunities in your life that can change you forever!

RAINBOW OBSIDIAN - Rainbow Obsidian is a stone that activates our root chakra and pulls us back down to earth. It's a stone that can be used to help heal a broken heart, provide support for someone in grief, or simply offer up an abundance of love and happiness to someone in need. This stone is here to hold you when you need it most, while also giving you back strength to help overcome these heartaches so that you may begin to heal. Once one has accepted what has happened, only then can they move on and begin to heal and rejuvenate their energies.

RED AGATE - As a healing stone, the agate strengthens the inner balance and stability – this is mainly due to its ability to hold negative energies or even transform bad vibrations into positive ones. On the physical level, agate acts digestive and may aid in stomach disorders, such as stomach cramps or gastritis, also known as gastritis. The red agate, also known as the Warrior’s Stone, has an orange to reddish hue.

RED BANDED CALCITE - Red Calcite is a vital stone that increases energy and willingness to experience life.  It is grounding and protects energetic and emotional boundaries, alleviating ‘spaciness’ and over extension of one’s energy. Red Calcite is an excellent stone for women as it is believed to assist with balancing hormones and absorbing minerals. It is also thought to help women prepare for pregnancy and childbirth.

RED JASPER - Red Jasper is an exceptional grounding stone that helps one better engage with the world around them. It will eliminate all distractions and procrastination, while helping you achieve your dreams and goals. So often do we allow a little challenge to disrupt our desires, but not anymore. Red Jasper engages the root and sacral chakra, actively channeling Earth’s mightiest energy within. This life force energy is unlike anything anyone has felt before and helps one grow into the most appropriate spiritual version of yourself.

RED SPIDERWEB JASPER - Red Spiderweb Jasper is characterized by red spiderweb-like lines all over the stone. This stone unites the grounding, soothing and protective energies of the Jasper crystal, and the feeling of courage, high energy, and firm strength transmitted by the red element of the Jasper stone.

RED TIGER EYE - Meditate with this stone over the stomach (solar plexus chakra) and allow it to aid you in your manifestations and desires. This stone will help push you into action, and provide laser sharp focus, drive, determination and strength to get things done. It's the perfect stone to carry when tasked with long projects and will assist in keeping the mind focused on the task at hand and not getting easily distracted.

RHODOCHROSITE - Rhodochrosite is also known as Inca Rose Stone and Raspberry Spar. s focus is to heal yourself and your emotional body. This stone should serve as a daily reminder to put yourself first and take care of your well being. Without yourself being healthy and able, you will be unable to provide love and help to others in need. Rhodochrosite is an extraordinary mineral that is here to help you let go and release anguish, pain, and trauma weighing on your mind and heart. It’s a perfect stone for anyone who struggles with coping or has any form of PTSD.

RHODONITE - Rhodonite is a crystal filled with love and balance. It has been nicknamed the “Stone of Love” due to its ability to fully clear, stimulate, and reactivate your heart. Rhodonite's energies vibrate outwards and assists in self love and value. This crystal pushes you to really love yourself so that you may offer love to someone else. Rhodonite produces generosity, joy, and happiness to anyone who constantly works with or carries a piece. Rhodonite is a very strong stone that helps reduce and suppress anxiety.

ROSE QUARTZ - Rose quartz is a stone of pure love. It assists in awakening the heart to its purest loving potential allowing one to find love for themselves and others. This awakening of the heart also provides deep feelings of personal fulfillment and contentment. Rose Quartz carries a feminine energy that encourages compassion, peace, tenderness and healing which brings forth feelings of nourishment and comfort. It also aids in healing from physical heart disease and trauma.

RUBY - The vibrations of Ruby resonate with ultimate life force and emanate the highest vibrations of pure red light. Ruby is a powerful grounding stone that greatly increases the chi in one’s body, flourishing all bodily systems and organs for the utmost performance. It stimulates harmonious chi flow throughout the body and draws life force directly into the root. This highly energizes the physical, emotional, and mental bodies making Ruby an especially powerful tool for those who feel a daily lack of strength.

RUBY IN KYANITE - A very complex stone that helps one ground and channel higher vibrations into this earthly plane. One's root, solar plexus, throat and third eye chakras will become activated and connected. This will allow one to explore their pineal gland’s abilities without the fear of straying too far from home (your physical vessel). Your unique psychic abilities will strengthen and begin to change your current mental state. One may become more aware of their surroundings, as well as conjuring and maintaining a higher tiered thought making process.

RUBY ZOISITE (ANYOLITE) - For many people who are not spiritual and just recently “awakened” their spirituality, this stone will help you along your journey of rediscovering yourself. When Ruby and Zoisite are naturally combined into a single stone, the root, heart, and third eye chakras are all aligned and harmonize on the same vibrational level. This special combination of stones will help in the manifesting of ideas and will offer the strength and will to accomplish your dreams. It aligns the heart and third eye to produce a deepened understanding of what negativity you are carrying and how to conquer it. It is also one of the very few minerals that can transmute negative energies into positivity.

RUTILE - Rutile is a very powerful and high frequency stone. This is one of the very few minerals in the world known to enhance and accelerate every aspect of your life, as well as unique abilities such as channeling, psychic intuition, manifestation, and astral travel. Use caution, as this mineral can also activate any negative vibrations one is feeling or carrying.

SARDONYX - Sardonyx combines the grounding and protecting energies of Onyx, with the strength and courage energies of Carnelian. This stone helps bring out one’s inner strength, to move it towards accomplishing your dreams and goals. Sardonyx should serve as a daily reminder that anything is possible in life as long as you put all your energy and focus into it.

SELENITE - Selenite is pure white light encapsulated in physical form and is a must-have. The immense energies of Selenite knows no boundaries when it comes to the restoration of our own auric field and spiritual body. Selenite slices through the air cleansing and recharging any environment it's placed in. It is one of our favorite stones to help remove negative energies that may have been picked up throughout our daily routines. Thoughts, ideas, and visions become more clear, consciously and subconsciously, while awake and asleep.

SEPTARIAN - Septarian Nodule is a powerful grounding stone that awakens one’s connection to Mother Earth and the nurturing energy she provides. One may experience an “inner awakening” when connecting with this stone, driving drastic change and new habits to replace one's old daily habits. Septarian is a perfect tool for anyone going through some sort of drastic change in their life and can help one repair their emotional body.

SERAPHINITE - Seraphinite has an exceptionally high energy output that can be felt upon touch. One may feel a sense of warmth overcome their bodies, with a clear mind to follow. Seraphinite allows us to question our day to day actions and the environment we put ourselves in. The awareness and mental capabilities one unlocks is unparalleled to any other stone we’ve worked with. Our intuition and intellect heighten, all while maintaining a clear and level head. This allows one to self reflect and truly decipher the things or people around them. One will begin to notice different aspects or energies of their environment that they can change where they see fit. These changes can also include your own hobbies or interests which may no longer serve you on your life path.

SHOUSHAN STONE (PYROPHYLLITE) - Pyrophyllite activates and links one’s solar plexus and sacral chakras together. Its power helps raise one’s creative and sexual vibrations, while also helping one strengthen their confidence levels. This mineral is perfect for anyone who is suffering from low self-esteem and can help one fight bouts with depression and sadness. Pyrophyllite lights a “fire” within us that warms our core and helps one feel positive emotions. It pushes one to take a stand against the weight they carry daily and fight back against any resistance that continuously holds them back.

SHUNGITE - One can feel the purifying effects immediately upon touch, which will drastically alter your attitude and energy levels. Shungite naturally has electrical conducting properties that help inhibit electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic fields, which contain trace amounts of radiation, are produced by all common household electronics. Placing Shungite at the base of the electronic and on the back of your phone will help drastically reduce the radial output without interfering with the operations.

SILVER SHEEN OBSIDIAN - Silver Sheen Obsidian connects us both to the strength of the Earth and the wisdom of the heavens, making it an especially good tool for shamanic practitioners and earth medicine healers. It offers protection during spiritual travels and helps us keep our soul and body linked so we don't get lost.

SMELT QUARTZ - "Smelt Quartz" is not quartz at all -- it is glass, which is made from melting quartz in the presence of another compound (called a flux) which lowers the melting temperature. Glass is not crystalline, whereas quartz and other minerals (with few exceptions) are crystalline. They sure are pretty to look at though!

SMOKY AMETHYST - The best of both worlds as a combination of Smoky Quartz and Amethyst. Amethyst is a multidimensional stone that offers a range of energetic uses. Its protective bubble helps one maintain mental clarity and physical energy. Amethyst allows our consciousness to connect with energies at a much higher frequency than we would normally each day. Most of these energies are multidimensional and can assist one in raising their own personal intuitive levels. Smoky Quartz helps one ground themselves to Earth, in addition to opening up the root chakra and solar plexus. It’s the perfect stone for people who constantly find themselves with a wandering mind and an inability to focus. This stone is here to assist in not only clearing your mind but to allow you to be more level headed. Smoky Quartz can also help you find the drive and determination that sometimes feels lost in our daily lives.

SMOKY QUARTZ - Smoky Quartz helps one ground themselves to Earth, in addition to opening up the root chakra and solar plexus. It’s the perfect stone for people who constantly find themselves with a wandering mind and an inability to focus. This stone is here to assist in not only clearing your mind but to allow you to be more level headed. Smoky Quartz can also help you find the drive and determination that sometimes feels lost in our daily lives.

SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN - Snowflake Obsidian works to help balance, purify, and ground one's mind, body, and aura. This stone activates our root and third eye chakras, enhancing one's psychic abilities, especially that of past life recall. When meditating with this stone, one will have enhanced vision of previous lives. Each of these lives are shown to you in hopes of expanding your awareness and mental capacity. This information you receive is given to you for the sole purpose of solving current life problems.

SODALITE - Sodalite is a stone of insight. It is a mental enhancer and a key to unlocking deepened intuition. It increases the users' insight and allows them to get over the mental hurdles that they may struggle with daily. Sodalite enhances your mental capabilities and allows the natural contradictions of your mind to slowly weaken. It really is a personal stone in the sense that it dives deep down into your subconscious and allows true evaluation of aspects in your life. You’ll notice your strengths and weaknesses, as well as assisting in finding your true desires.

SPHALERITE - Sphalerite raises one's courage, drive, and focus levels to heights they never knew they had within. This mineral helps one truly believe in themselves, and their ability to unlock their full potential in this life. Sphalerite pushes one to realize that their dreams are within their grasps and the only way to get there is through hard work and dedication. Sphalerite is here to provide you with the vitality and energy needed to push forward.

SPIDERWEB JASPER - Spiderweb Jasper will bring you peace and tranquility, as well as healing and comfort. It's a stone that you can use to stabilize your personal aura and energy, especially when performing astral travel or when trying to ground your energies. It will also infuse you with feelings of compassion and kindness.

SPIRIT QUARTZ - This stone is here to push you into a growth cycle that knows no bounds. We can easily release bad vibrations when we allow ourselves to connect to Spirit Quartz and its protective energies. An etheric shield is naturally placed around your being as a defensive mechanism to help heal you during times of dire growth. There is no need to interrupt your own developmental process as this will take away the time and energy needed for yourself. The everyday monotony of society cannot affect us when we are inside this energy shell. Here, we can begin to experience love and growth on an entirely new level.

STRAWBERRY QUARTZ - Strawberry Quartz is a lovely crystal with a meaning that anyone can appreciate. As a stone that promotes love and true purpose, many seek out this stone to provide an additional positive influence in their lives. Strawberry Quartz is a beneficial crystal for those who always require comforting or soothing energy, such as healers and therapists. It's a crystal that will strengthen the connection between your Heart and Crown chakras and bring them in harmony with one another.

SUNSTONE - As the “sunny” rays of this crystal begin to imbue your entire body and aura, one may soon begin to go through a slight transformation process. This can lead to a change in their current lifestyle, including relationships, hobbies, interests, and ideas. The recently ignited fire within you will play a role in each and every decision you make. As soon as a certain event or person enters your life and draws a significant amount of your attention, one will know what this transformation process was constructing for you. This will be a path to total happiness and success.

SUPER SEVEN - The crystals are Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile, Smoky Quartz, and Quartz (which all the minerals are usually naturally encased in). Super Seven is the key ingredient to accessing the spirit realm and unlocking the knowledge and ancient beings within. The high frequency of this stone helps one attune their energy to that of celestial beings, allowing one to better understand the meaning and purpose of their soul. Super Seven helps provide answers to questions one may have for an entire lifetime, while also ushering in the ability to connect to one's past life experiences. These past life episodes contain ancient knowledge one has been able to carry with them for multiple lifetimes. This unique blend of minerals helps bring this knowledge to the forefront, so that it may be unlocked and used in one’s current life. Working with Super Seven repeatedly will help expand one’s consciousness while pushing for complete mental clarity.

TAIJI JASPER - Taiji Jasper also known as Tai Chi Stone can be found in Japan. It is said to bring peace and stability. This stone encourages healthy alignment of the yin and yang energies to one's mind, body and spirit. This Jasper is very grounding and allows one to feel stability and at peace.

THOUSAND EYE JASPER - Thousand Eye Jasper is often used for protection and grounding. It rejuvenates and strengthens. As a black and white stone, it is also used for balance – bringing relaxation, well-being and serenity. Thousand Eye Jasper can also aid those who have trouble finding clarity and focus, which also helps one to achieve and hold deeper states of meditation. It can also enhance one's dream recall.

THOUSAND LAYER GARDEN QUARTZ - Thousand Layer Garden Quartz (Lodolite) has a fantastic healing vibration - the wonderful qualities of Clear Quartz plus the additional vibrations of its inclusions. The Clear Quartz amplifies the vibration of the inclusions. Inclusion Quartz aides in emotional healing by releasing past-life trauma or early childhood memories that may have caused fear or stress. Meditating with Inclusion Quartz brings soothing guidance from spirit guides.

TIGER EYE - Tiger Eye is great for activating both our personal will and solar plexus chakra. When we open and engage our second brain, known as our gut, we are able to display a true array of emotions and qualities. Opportunities and new beginnings will attach to you like a magnet when working this stone. This ever-loving energy is always actively expanding our consciousness and seeking to push us onto a higher path. While actively using Tiger Eye eye we may notice ourselves shedding items as well as individuals that no longer suit us.

TOURMALINE IN QUARTZ - Tourmaline Quartz combines the properties of Tourmaline and Clear Quartz Crystal. Tourmaline purifies one’s own energies and protects from negativity, while Quartz amplifies energies focused through it. Psychologically, it helps to integrate and heal the shadow energies, alleviating self-sabotage.

TREE AGATE - Tree Agate shares nearly identical energies with Moss Agate, its sister crystal! Moss Agate brings us closer to Mother Earth, with energies capable of helping us ground and pursue our most benevolent ideas. This crystal offers up shells of protection around your aura and truly lets you be you. It encourages self expression and a rebuilding of divine connection to nature that most of our childhoods were consumed with. Moss Agate provides one with a new desire to find comfort in smaller, more human things; as opposed to unnatural desires society presents to us.

TROLLEITE - Trolleite and its sister minerals (Scorzalite and Lazulite) are all stones that engage your upper chakra system, promoting a divine connection between you and your higher self. As one’s consciousness and awareness begins to expand and ascend, significant symbolic events will begin to stand out to your newly awakened third eye. Such events can be extremely minute and last seconds, but have a stinging effect on the brain and body. Try meditating with this stone directly over your third eye chakra, with other amplification crystals of the pineal gland (Phenacite, Herkimer Diamond, Fluorite, Moldavite, Quartz). Overtime and through constant repetition, one will have discovered a secret formula to help decalcify the most important parts of our unused brain.

TURQUOISE - On a metaphysical level, Turquoise aids in truth-seeking, communication, and manifestation of expansion. It assists people in voicing their opinion and communicating better with people around them. Anyone who is shy and has social anxiety should always carry a piece when they are faced with uncomfortable situations. Turquoise is also a stone of wholeness. It's an emotional balancer and brings peace and serenity to users in times of need.

UNAKITE - Unakite has a special connection with one’s heart and aids in the deeper understanding of their emotional body. Simply meditating with this stone will help push out those “dead weight” feelings we continue to carry with us. This crystal has a soft touch and will keep you comfortable even when dealing with the most painful emotions. Due to Unakite having Epidote in it, this mineral is a natural enhancer of any emotion or vibration that is placed around it. For example, if one is experiencing a bad day and is carrying a piece of Unakite on them, we recommend placing it aside for the time being.

VERDELITE (GREEN TOURMALINE) - Green Tourmaline is a stone that warms the heart and helps one rejuvenate vital life force energy. It’s vibrations help one tap into their emotional body to understand the emotions they feel. So often is our brain full of different stressors that it can lead one to blame how they feel on unrelated variables. Green Tourmaline helps one look past these minor annoyances to get to the root of your emotional pain. One will be able to identify the trauma they’ve been carrying and understand what it is exactly that's holding them back from moving forward.

WATERMELON TOURMALINE - Watermelon Tourmaline is a very powerful heart stone that is here to help calm and soothe your emotions. It helps one access and unlock the deepest parts of one's heart, pushing one to fully cleanse and heal all emotional wounds. Watermelon Tourmaline is the perfect stone to help one combat anxiety and depression that may push one into a dark or sad place. This stone offers up light, love, and rejuvenation to help keep one's heart and mind imbued with joy, general happiness, being more adventurous, having increased daily energy, self-love and confidence are all brought out when wearing or carrying Watermelon Tourmaline.

YELLOW JADE - Yellow Jade’s energies are nearly identical to that of the common green Jade and in fact are almost mirrored chemically. Jade is one of the very few stones that will transmute the negative energies surrounding you and release it into positive vibrations of love and joy that will benefit everyone in your environment. It brings the mind and body into harmony and promotes stabilization of one’s personality. Jade is a very calming stone that should be carried by anyone who has trouble dealing with situations or simply feels overwhelmed daily. Jade is an excellent stone for young ones as it is used to protect children from harm and aids in maintaining purity and serenity.

YELLOW OPAL - Yellow Opal helps activate one’s personal will, aligning it with your heart. Your overall confidence will increase the focus over your heart and it’s current desires.

YOOPERLITE - Recently discovered by Erik Rintamaki, Yooperlite rocks are actually Syenite rocks that are rich in fluorescent Sodalite. In 2017, Erik went out on a beach in Lake Superior with a UV light and discovered dozens of these glowing rocks. To the naked eye, they look like gray rocks, but under the UV light, the mineral composite makes the rocks glow.

ZEBRA JASPER - Zebra jasper motivates us to move out of apathy into action. It helps us avoid over-thinking and encourages us to just enjoy the experience of living. Zebra jasper's striking colors intensify that message. Like the swift, wild animal for which it's named, it shows us how to live. It says: Get out of your head! Get into your body. Let the zest for life flow through you. On top of this, zebra jasper stimulates the root chakra. This grounds us, helping us find enjoyment in the beauty of our world.

ZOISITE - Zoisite’s energy produces growth and fertility in all aspects of life. It helps us “rebirth” and have a better understanding of ourselves and our connection to the outside world. For many people who are not spiritual and recently “awakened” their spirituality, this stone will help you along your journey of rediscovery. Our heart system needs to be held up with a strong foundation and a solid inner working. Zoisite helps expand our heart chakra and allows rejuvenation to flow freely through our body. This ebb and flow helps us produce the inner balance that is necessary for our hearts to function within this physical world.